Saturday, June 16, 2007

Thoughts after Friday's initial setup

On Friday I began setting up the installation for assessment and I give thanks to Guy and Sam for helping me rig the screen.

I discovered suspending a screen that large to be completely wrinkle free is near impossible with the level of skill and the technology (within my immediate budget) available to me.

Nevertheless the course outline clearly states:

"As the focus of the unit is on experimentation and process there is a degree of risk that the outcome may not be well resolved. The emphasis for an assessable outcome is therefore not just any completed work that comes from this experimentation, but documentation of experimentation and process"
Anyone who takes the time to throughly examine this blog will observe comprehensive documentation throughout the entire semester. Unfortunately I haven't been able to document as much as I would like, however to go beyond the current level of documentation I would need contantly carry a video camera with me and I'd be spending more time documenting than I would experimenting and working on the projects!

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