So the big question is did I see any ghosts? Take a look at this...
(click thumbnails to view full sized images)

Ok, so that's a double exposure of Michael and his camera. I can tell it's Michael by the clothing, unless some ghosts has a shape shifting ability allowing them to assume the clothing of those nearby... And their video camera as well...
Now take a look at this...

This is most likely a lens flare caused by the light... Seems strange to have a random ball of light in the middle of nowhere though.
Now what be this? I've put a red arrow pointing to the area you need to look. You'll have to enlarge the picture otherwise you won't see anything

Interestingly enough it shows up again in a second picture. But less noticeable.

Perhaps it's another form of lens flare... Perhaps not! Either way I wouldn't mind going back and more pictures - and you should too!
Do the ghost tour and you'll understand why that tunnel is considered a particularly good location for finding ghosts.