Saturday, September 1, 2007

Location Scouting - Droughty Point

On Thursday Alan Jennison (the photographer) and myself did some Location Scouting and Sound Testing around Droughty Point.

In the top left corner is the Tasman Bridge.

We both took some images, here are some of mine - digitially enhanced of course!

Friday, August 31, 2007

Location Scouting for the forest - The Domain

In case the Kangaroo Bluff forest is insufficient there is some more substantial forest about 5km in an area known as The Domain.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Location Scouting for Forest - Kangaroo Bluff

Kangaroo Bluff Battery also offers a potential forest however it is somewhat small and confined.

Here are some images...

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Telekentically moving chess piece

In the tavern scene Mr. Trollins telekentically moves a chess piece with his finger. This is the 3rd attempt at achieving that effect. I'm not sure that the reflect is working properly though.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Location Scouting around Droughty Point

A bit over a week ago I conducted some location scouting around Droughty Point. So for those who don't know where that is here's a map.
In the top left corner is the Tasman Bridge.

I headed down to Tranmere and walked down to the ew sub developments. Fortunately the real estate agent managing the land had a temporary office set up so I was able to have a chat with him.

The kind fellow granted me permission to explore his land and even offered to drive me round when he had more time. On this particular occassion I set off on foot with just my video camera. I didn't have my tripod either so some of the footage is rather shaky.

Monday, August 27, 2007

Photos from the Uncle Bulo auditions

Alan Jennison took some photos during the Uncle Bulo auditions and now they're finally blogged for all to see.

Mick Lowenstien as Uncle Bulo with John Andrews standing in for Gigh

A loving moment between Mick Lowenstien and John Andrews.

David Bannister reads his Uncle Bulo lines

Mick Lowenstien looks to Bec Tilly with much wisdom and knowledge

John Andrews and Bec Tilley facing the grave situation

David Bannister auditions for Uncle Bulo while Mick Lowenstien stands in for Gigh

Mick Lowenstien as Uncle Bulo handing Panache the shoot

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Rehearsals - 21st August

Uncle Bulo - Part 1

Take 1

Take 2

Uncle Bulo - Part 2

Take 1

Take 2

Take 3

Trollins Encounter - Part 1

Take 1

Take 2

Trollins Encounter - Part 2

Take 1

Take 2

Take 3


Trollins Defeat - Part 1

Take 1

Take 2

Trollins Defeat - Part 2