Professional studio lights! Only problem is they’re a lot more expensive. That first light costs $210.75 and the other $166.95! This doesn’t include accessories like barn doors (for directing the light) and a stand. The total price for everything was $964.54! Way out of my price rang! Never mind, now I know what kind of lights I’m looking for I’ll attempt to get cheaper equivalents from a hardware store. They probably won’t be as good, but since the area I need to light isn’t that big it shouldn’t matter too much.
At the place that sells the professional lighting I was informed they also sold 3.8L of special blue screen paint for $180 - that make the first place I went to seem reasonable!
During my investigation I also looked into suitable “blue screen” curtains and discovered curtains can get quite expensive too - $46 for 1 x 1.4 metres! One place claims they have curtains in Ultramarine Blue and Chroma Key Blue but they have to get back to me next week on the prices.
I’m getting quite bored with the research so I think its time to start doing something interesting… Maybe I’ll start sketching out a few ideas for the megalith…