I now have that missing footage thus providing me with the visual references I require to achieve the effect.
Here is the footage I shall be working with:
You'll notice Mick stands in the same position for 5 seconds then walks out the frame.
For greater flexibility I need to separate Mick from his background so I take the first frame and cut him it out using image editing software. I've made the background magenta so he contrasts nicely and you can see what I've done.

The part of the video after Mick steps out becomes a background plate:
Now I insert Mick into the background plate:
And I can now move parts of him around without interfering with the background. Mind you it doesn't look natural, partly because
- The material of his shirt isn't blowing in the wind.
- The shadows aren't adjusting as he moves.
- This is the first time I've used this tool and I'm not very good with it!
I could improve upon this things but they're not really important to the shot I'm attempting to achieve.
Next I must "tree-fit" Mick...