Monday, July 16, 2007

Staff Tests

In the film the antagonist embeds his grandfather's staff into the ground, this in reality however isn't as straight forward as it may seem.

First the ground will need to be prepared to ensure the staff can penetrate through its surface. This is a matter of loosening the soil with a digging implement and using the the staff itself to create a narrow hole.

The hole needs to be filled with loose dirt which and then covered by grass to make the area where the staff penetrates look inconspicuous.

For the sake of dramatisation there will be a shot of the protagonist raising the staff above his head using both hands like he is about to pile-drive the staff into the ground.

This however will require two shots to embed the staff because its two awkward to achieve in one motion. The first shot will show the antagonist thrusting the staff into the ground and the second shot will show the staff penetrating into the ground. Each of these shots should be taken close and wide to provide a variety of footage to work with.

If attempted in one motion the staff will unlikely be left standing upright after initial embedment.

So in total there will be 3 shots.

1) Anataognist raises staff about his head.
2) Anatagonist drives staff into ground.
3) Staff is embedded into the ground.

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