GIGH’s silhouette strides against the dusk sky. It strikes a strong contrast with the magnificent shades of pink and blue produced by the setting sun. In his right hand he carries a staff, holding it horizontally like a tribal warrior embarking on a hunt. As he progresses from the left to the right of the frame sinister dark clouds roll in and smother the lambent backdrop.
GIGH proceeds down in to the valley under the now fully darkened sky. The megalith slowly emerges in the darkness ahead. GIGH stops just metres in front of it. He pauses briefly then with both hands he raises the staff above his head and drives into the ground. It slides into the earth with ease and remains free standing.
GIGH takes a step back. With his right arm outstretched he focuses really hard as he reaches towards the megalith. He remains in position as though he is trying to maintain the tension of an invisible rope. Nothing happens.
He sighs in frustration then looks up to see the sky is still suffocated with clouds. His face indicates he’s had a sudden realisation. He walks over to the megalith and places both hands upon its surface. It feels warm and relaxing so he lingers momentarily to absorb its warmth.
He tears himself away from the megalith resulting in glowing on its surface. They glow brightly for an instant then fade slowly. Stepping back from the megalith GIGH stretches both arms in front of him. He begins motioning as though he is attempting to open a difficult pair of curtains. His first attempt is awkward causing the clouds to stir slightly. Making a second and more confident attempt he pulls the clouds apart like Moses parting the sea. Moonlight floods down as the cloud dissipate.
Under the light of the full moon GIGH once again attempts to summon power from the megalith. Again he stretches his right arm towards the megalith clenching his hand as though holding a balloon. Poising he concentrates deeply, grimacing slightly under the strain.
Suddenly a shoot emerges from the staff, then another and another. The shoots rapidly become branches and begin sprouting leaves and sub-branches of their own. GIGH continues to focus as the staff erupts into a symphony of pullulating foliage.
After the foliage attains the size of a healthy shrub GIGH becomes engulfed by a wave of self-consciousness breaking his concentration. He lowers his hand and looks to the ground for a moment somewhat confused. As he looks up he discovers the megalith has vanished, the sky is clouded and the staff is lying in the grass without any foliage.
GIGH reacts by looking around frantically. He looks back to where the megalith was situated and notices a small stone in its place. He moves closer and squats down to pick it up between his thumb and index finger. Upon closer inspection he discovers the stone is a miniature version of the megalith.
GIGH looks over his shoulder in the direction of the staff then stands up. He walks towards the staff and collects it as he walks out of the frame.
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