Wednesday, June 20, 2007

The Rationale

Inspirit Rationale

Inspirit derived from a fascination with ancient cultures and mysticism. Visions of druids conducting rituals within megalithic sites lead me to ponder their true purpose. By definition a megalith is a large stone that has been used as part of a structure or monument either alone or with other stones. This may imply they have an architectural purpose and some may even find a sculptural appreciation for them. It has been suggested that some megaliths were used to determine important astronomical events such as the solstice and equinox dates, though I’ve speculated that the role of some megaliths was to act as gigantic interactive installations. In other words at a certain point in human cognitive evolution these great hulking stones were perceived equivalently to modern installations, though their significance was integrated into the culture and spirituality of those who interacted with them. Psychological and technological advancements have changed the function and modern human’s relationship to installations so now they are viewed for art sake.

Inspirit’s megalith acts a conduit which transfers the observer’s kinesic energy to the tree, however if the observer stops moving the tree begins to “ungrow”. The more foliage the tree has the more movement is required to maintain it, which stands to reason because the more physical matter present the more energy needed to sustain it.

I selected “Inspirit” as the title of the installation because it means “to infuse spirit or life into; enliven” which is the very essence of what it depicts – the return of life to something that was once living.

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