Sunday, April 29, 2007

High Definition Filmming may be a possibility

The other day I did some networking. Guy, who has been starring in my experiments knows a fellow by the name of Justin with a broadcast standard High Definition video camera. Justin is eager to become reaquainted with his "creative" passions so he kindly lent his services to Guy to help him with his latet film project.

Guy held a meeting with him at lunch time of Friday 13th so they could discuss Guy's project. I thought it would benefitial to come along and meet Justin - a wise decision and he seems to be an insightful and delightful chappy.

He's also expressed interest in filmming my project too which would be wonderful because the quality of MiniDV video is hurting the realism of my compositing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, that sounds good :-) .

Comments on the previous blog:
Well, it looks very good. That knife tool does go for a very interesting Megalith. Though, if the moon is facing the megalith from the front, wouldn't the shadow be facing the camera instead of the side? The electric pulses are looking good, though, not so sure about the sound, but it's probably temporarily.
-Imperial Scouts - Good Day :)