Friday, April 27, 2007

A break down if the scenes involving the megalith

This is probably a few days overdue but here is a break down of the scenes involving Guy and his interaction with the megalith.

It all starts with Guy being filmmed in front of the blue screen.

So the first thing that needs to be done is key out the background, leaving this...

Now I need a background. A photo I took of a field will do nicely.

The background is added. I then adjust its colours so it matches the video of Guy and key out the background's sky.

A sky is required and since I want this scene to be set a night an image I took of the moon should work. This was originally a 10 megapixel image but it has been shrunk down to make it more transmittable over the Internet.

Now to add the sky...

Its time to add a megalith. Many years ago I found what appearans to be an Indigenous Australian knife-like tool. Its not very big, not even 10cm tall but it seems like it will make an interesting megalith.

So I took a image of the stone with a light source originating from the same direction as the light source in the picture of my field.

The megalith is added!

To make the layers seem more cohevsive and create the illusion the light source is constant, I add a volumetric filter. It also makes it look as though moonlight is shining on Guy.

And there we have it! A composited shot including the megalith! Its not perfect though, the shadow on the megalith for example probably isn't cast at the right angle but since this is only a test its something to be mindful of in the future.

Now sit back and watch the 5 second clip - this is a new edit!