Thursday, February 22, 2007

Welcome to the Official Blog of the Megalith Project!

The very first entry...

The "Megalith Project" is the working title of my third year E-Media project. This semester's thematic will be "Installation" (I'll explain what an artistic installation is in another blog entry) and my response to this thematic will be delivered in video form.

Over the next 17 weeks I hope to regularly update my progress on the Megalith Project, but unlike professional productions who hire people to compile the featurettes and material found in the DVD extras I’ll have to do it all myself. Unfortunately this means I won’t have time to update the blog every day but I will do my best to report any major progress.

Gradually I shall improve and customise this blog to suit the project, but for now I shall use a skin provided by

By now you may have two questions:

1) What is an installation?

2) What will the Megalith Project involve?

This shall be revealed in the next blog entry…

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