Monday, August 27, 2007

Photos from the Uncle Bulo auditions

Alan Jennison took some photos during the Uncle Bulo auditions and now they're finally blogged for all to see.

Mick Lowenstien as Uncle Bulo with John Andrews standing in for Gigh

A loving moment between Mick Lowenstien and John Andrews.

David Bannister reads his Uncle Bulo lines

Mick Lowenstien looks to Bec Tilly with much wisdom and knowledge

John Andrews and Bec Tilley facing the grave situation

David Bannister auditions for Uncle Bulo while Mick Lowenstien stands in for Gigh

Mick Lowenstien as Uncle Bulo handing Panache the shoot


Anonymous said...

These are neat production photos. Thanks for sharing.


Anonymous said...

Heeey you spelt my name wrong once there! Tilley! Not Tilly!

Anonymous said...

GREAT stuff!!
how dare you spell tilley's name wrong!