Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Visual Effect - Work In Progress - Uncle Bulo's Abode - EXT 2 - version 1.2

Just as the shot when Panache approaches Uncle Bulo's Abode has been upgraded so has the shot where she has departed. Same updates as the previous shot but better virtual camera movement.

I think this shot needs something extra... I imagined having an owl sitting on the wind seal which flies away when the shuts. Unfortunately I don't know of any owl trainers who would freely offer their services for what would be a quite experimental shot - it would have to be filmed in front of a blue/green screen then composited into the shot.

The other option is to have a CG owl but I don't have the skills to design one that would look convincing enough. If anybody has such skills and would like to offer them then don't hesitate to contact.

Meanwhile here is the latest update to Exterior 2 of Uncle Bulo's Abode:

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