Saturday, May 12, 2007

Story Board

Here is the storyboard. Drawing isn't my strong point but the pictures give an indication of the shots involved in the sequence.

Accompanied by narration and additional animation

Reading the vellum
Accompanied by narration and additional animation

Approaching the megalith
Accompanied by narration and additional animation

Arrive at megalith

Implant cane into ground

Finsih implanting cane into ground [Close-Up]

Walk over to Megalith

Touch Megalith

Touch Megalith [Close-Up]

Handprints Glow [Continued from previous shot]

Step back from megalith

Part the clouds

Walk behind the cane

Summon the energy to make the tree grow

Foliage continues to grow [Close-Up]

Leaves begin to sprout [Close-Up]

Continue growing folliage

Has doubts and loses concentration [Close-Up]

Tree wilts

Megalith has shrunk to stone

Megalith-stone in grass [Close-Up]

Pick up megalith-stone

Examine megalith-stone [Close-Up]

Retrieve Cane

Accompanied by narration

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks very good. I like it. Not much more I can say :-)!

-Phil (ImperialScouts)