Monday, February 26, 2007

Why not create a CG megalith?

(CG is an abbreviation for Computer Generated from anyone who doesn’t know)

There are some reasons why miniatures are preferred over computer generate models:

1. Rendering a computer animated sequence can be very time consuming, especially for those (like me) who do not have access to a facility with computers optimised to perform such a task.

2. Computer Generated images are harder to make look realistic.

3. It’s easier to examine and reference a real world object to its environment, so there’s a better idea of what its going to look like in the shot.

However, I’m not against the use of Computer Generated imagery and I won’t advocate it all looks unrealistic, whereas as some may. Personally I think the movies laden with CG are a mixed bag, some of it looks fantastic while some of it looks horrible - and there are many subtle grades of realism in between.

For example: Davey Jones from Pirates of Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest - his sea food face was entirely Computer Generated.

"Davey Jones"
Image Sourced from Wikipedia

However, this does not mean The Megalith Project will be free from Computer Generate imagery and how it will contain is yet to be determined.

To reiterate on point 2, there is a degree of skill required to make miniatures appear realistic and without the necessary skills or resources the end result may appear unconvincing.

Ok then, how good will the finished Megalith Project look?

1 comment:

Becca said...

I thought Davey Jones' face looked quite realistic... as realistic as a tentacle face can look, anyway...